Tuesday 6 September 2016

God as our Father

God is a father not mother

Genesis 9:6
For in the image of God has God made man. Man was pattern in Gods image not copies of God

Gen 1:26
Let us make man in our image, in our likenesss and let them rule over of the fish of the seas and birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.

In this passage ,it is clearly written the God has given man dominion to rule the earth, man in the beginning of the creation has authority over everything. This means that it was given to man not woman

Genesis 2:15 
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it

This passage once again proves that man is in charge , he has the overall authority and everything is subject to him. Woman has no roles yet in the creation but as a helper

But what happened?

Genesis 1:18
The Lord God said “It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make  a helper a suitable for him”

Originally man was created first but it was because God saw that Adam was alone he then formed another individual, a woman by the name of Eve, 

Why woman because it was taken from man   “wo-man”

Genesis 2:21- Woman was made through Adams ribs.

To conclude
God would not made another individual if he didn’t saw Adam was alone
If Adam was happy, God would not make another human being but because he feels that Adam needed something which is that one thing missing. He then made EVE out of ADAMS ribs

Following  verses the God is not a mother

If God was addressed as mother then chances are people put label on gender
They've labeled God based on Gender

You cannot call God a father unless if he was male, both male and female in the beginning of the creation are patterned after God not tiny little copies of “God”. Although Man have authority over everything there was this fall of man. The fall of man refers to the sin they've committed and which therefore their authority given by God has been revoked. 

Jesus was reveleaded to humanity many years in a “male form” not in a woman form
Jesus says "I and the father are one" John 10:30

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